

Have you ever imagined how much it cost to be a transgender and undergo surgeries. I can tell you this all the prices below are the prices you would pay here if you have an insurance. If you don't well I would recommend multiplying the price with 5-10X Surgeries As a trans you are looking forward to them. So many treatment and surgeries that must happen for you to become super happy and feel yourself.   Here is a small list of surgeries: Breast augmentation Facial feminization: Nose surgery: Rhinoplasty may be done to narrow the nose and refine the tip. Eyebrows : A brow lift may be done to feminize the curvature and position of the eyebrows. Jaw surgery: The jaw bone may be shaved down to become more feminine appearing. Chin reduction: Female chin structure is often more delicate, so chin reduction may be performed. Cheekbones: Cheekbones may be enhanced, often via collagen injections as well as other plastic surgery techniques. Lips: A lift lip may be done. Reduction of Adam’s a


 With coming out there comes a ton of administration you gotta deal with. Sadly this isn't a process that gets done fast. Changing Name by law Changing your name by law as a trans is super easy here. You receive like a document from the hospital where you are getting your transitioning. With this document you go to your city hall and request a legal name change. This will cost you 12.50 EUR. The only disadvantage is the waiting time for it to actually change. Mine took almost 6 months to actually go through. But the moment you finally get that note that your name has been legally changed is such a blessing. Its like you are finally getting born and you get to be you!! Changing Gender by law  This is a trickier one. To actually change this u need a note that declares you are sane and are identifying as the opposite gender. This then goes to "The king" he needs to approve this. To start this process you take the paper that you received to the city you were born in. There yo


 without support during your process its a very hard journey to go through and most people would give up.  Support When I first came out I had to say I never expected to lose over 50% of the friends I had. I never felt that lonely before. At that moment the only friends I had knew a bit from before.  But I met so many people on twitch and they became my best friends tbh. I've never had this much support from people (Fam not include) as from them. So here is a little "SHOUTOUT" Gabbie Gabbie was one of the first people on twitch where I had a good feeling about. There is something special about her way of interacting with people that make u feel special. She helped me through so much hard moments. If there is one thing I can say about Gabbie is that she is a ray of sunshine. Her positivity is so contagious that she can turn a sad day in a better day. For those people that do not know Gabbie here is a small summary. Gabbie is a Swedish streamer with a golden heart. She che


 Prologue If you finally get an OK, you can finally start you hormones. Trust me this isn't all fun. Taking hormones changes a lot and not all for the better.  Hormones aren't supposed to be taken without prescription of the doctor or without supervision. Hormones As a transgender mtf you gotta take 2 types of hormones. Female Hormones and Anti-Male hormones. Depending on the age you are, your allergies or prev illnesses you can get different kind of pills. In my case I received Progynova and Androcur  Progynova Positive side-effects Development Breasts Development female shapes Softer skin Feeling more happy Negative Side-effects  Cancer Heart diseases Strokes Memory loss Rollercoaster of emotions   Androcur Positive side-effects Stopping baldness Reduces Libido Prevents genital to get hard  Negative Side-effects  Fever Vomit Itching across entire body Liver Intoxication Chest aches Liver Swollen Calves Shortness of breath Blood clots Liver tumor Liver failure So as you can se

First Steps Towards Salvation

Prologue People think or used to think that being trans meant you had a mental illness, but let me say and show you that people who are transgender are actually pretty sane. The Stuff we go through to get  to were we want to get. Our road to happiness isn't always open and clear. How To Start Your Transition? To be able to actually start your transition you got to follow a lot of steps. First of all here in Belgium you got to make an appointment with the 'TransCentrum' - A hospital specialized in transsexuality-. You got to explain who you are and what you want. If they finally reply your mail you get an appointment almost 6 months later you get an appointment. During these 6 months you got to think if you really want it or not. When you actually go to the appointment you'll meet an psychiatrist specialized in transsexuality. The psychiatrist you get here is based on the age you are.  He/she does a examination through your mind to make sure you truly want it or not. The

Coming Out

 Prologue My entire life I felt something was wrong. I didn't fit in. Not with the boy nor with the girls. Here I was a child without a place. Friends didn't come easy, since I was a target for most bullies. Cuz to be honest which bully would bully a child that just didn't fit in? The older I gotten the harder it became. The bullying became harder and more painful. Even got threatened to death by Nick. By this time I already knew I was different. I knew I wasn't a boy/dude/man I did research and discovered I was TRANS.  Years passed and I've tried everything to hide the real me. I've shaven myself almost bold, hang out with the "GANGSTA" gang of the school. But nothing worked. I became sad and depressed.  Coming Out Since faking my identity became harder and harder I accidentally made some blunders. I was in college where I became friends with an amazing girl Felice. We started taking about clothing more specific female clothing. It felt so good, but i

[NL] Verdwaald

  Verdwaald Door de straten verdwaald Hopende een uitweg te vinden Maar even het leek hopeloos Maar toen, plots was er licht Ik kwam je tegen en werd verlegen, liefde ontstond Zo diep en ongegrond! Nu wil ik je hier voor meer dan een kwartier mijn leven wil ik delen Je zult je nooit nog vervelen